Click on an image to view it at full size.
The Start Screen shows a list of your saved slates.
Click "New" to start a new slate.
The new slate is empty.
Click "Add" to add a pattern to the slate.
Select a root note. Then press "Select A Pattern"
Select a pattern. A chord, scale or mode..
With the button at the top you can choose to list either Chords or Scales.
The Slate now has one pattern.
Choose "Add" again to continue building your slate.
The slate can be any length..
Name it and choose "Save" if you want to keep it.
When you are ready, choose "Visualize".
A view of the fretboard is presented.
The first pattern in the slate will be front and center..
Step through the list of patterns using the buttons on the
top-left and top-right of the screen.
The progress indicator at the under the current pattern shows where you are in the slate.
Click on the "Spelling" button to show the spelling of the chord or scale.
Click on the "Intervals" button to show the interval quality of each note..
Click on the "Numbers" button to show interval numbers instead of dots for the fret markers.
The button toggles between "Dots" and "Numbers".
To move the focus lower on the finger board, click the <-- button.
To move the focus higher on the finger board, click the --> button.
To view more frets click the <-- --> button.
To view less frets click the --> <-- button.
If you want to use an alternate tuning, you can set it on this page..
It is accessed from the Start Screen.
"+" raises the pitch 1/2 step. "-" lowers the pitch 1/2 step.